Evaluation Methods

Here is a small selection of easy to use tools for gathering data to evaluate an event. The links below provide a brief description of the tool, its purpose and when to use it, and examples which may be adapted to meet specific requirements of a particular event.

Events (e.g., a workshop, public engagement meeting, seminar or training) are often an activity or output of research projects. There is a wide variety of tools that may be used to assess the value generated from an event, its effectiveness and its outcomes.

Data may be collected to evaluate a number of different aspects of an event. This includes the venue, the facilitator or presenter, the event objectives, processes, activities, content, outputs and outcomes.

Desired outcome data from an event may include changes in participants’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioural intentions (intended actions). Knowledge, skills and intention questions may need to be tailored to the content and objectives of the particular event. Some participant details may also be sought (e.g., name, participant organisational affiliation).

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